Cosplayers Have Found Their Ways to Represent Themselves in the Coronavirus Age

It’s futuristic, cyberpunk, and most importantly, it’s Batman.
Julia Chen
Watching the identified infection numbers of COIND-19 gets more horrified every day, there is no doubt that the masks are becoming a serious shortage.
We all know the protective masks are very important to healthcare workers, for this reason, governments, and public medias appealed healthy people not to grab the masks but leave them to who really need. But healthy people need it as well so to lower the possibilities of being infected. If we have enough masks, we can get peace and balance between the two. So we saw various homemade masks appeared recently, some of them are creative and fashionable.

This idea came up to me when I saw my 3d printer. But I don’t want to make normal masks because I know how strong China’s capability of being the supplier of the masks to the earth. I want my mask serves to cosplay like all my other products, not only just cosplay but also being protective.
I eventually decided to program the batman rebreather that Bruce Wayne wore underwater in the movie of Suicide Squad. Because I had this model a long time ago but never had a chance to make it. I believe now it’s time to bring it to life.
The mode is just an appearance design recovery from the movie. My job is to reprogram it to be several pieces detachable so it will allow people to replace their filters.
The rebreather is 3d printed and painted with environment-friendly painting.
Outside of the rebreather has some weathered painting with acrylic.
Considering the mask is painted after all, and it’s heavier than a medical mask, it can’t be used for medical reasons. You can cut the filter to put it in or you can just wear the medical mask inside with the rebreather covered out. In conclusion, the batman rebreather means a lot more to cosplay than to daily self-protecting.

All detachable points are designed with tiny male-female structures.
The movable 2 flaps on sides allow you to change its size for individual faces.
Let's check how to use the rebreather!
With more and more cities blocked down, normal healthy people only go out when it’s necessary. This will be the time to use the batman rebreather if you don’t want to be one of the majority of surgical faces.
Today, the infected number on earth has exceeded 1,120,000, and we have seen some non-symptom cases transfer the virus to others. We are not sure when the pandemic will end. Perhaps human beings will live with COVID-19 in the future with the protects of vaccines. Before that try your best to stay healthy!